Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do you think the Atomic Bomb was a wise or unwise decision?

Do you think the Atomic Bomb was a wise or unwise decision? Please use information learned and discussed in class to support your argument? You essay needs to written in essay form (Introduction/thesis, Body, and Conclusion).

World War II ended in September 15th ,1945, and it ended by the two atomic bomb which dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US. These two bomb caused a disaster in Japan, it killed almost 200,000 people. The drop of atomic bomb did end the war, but is the atomic bomb a wise decision?
In my opinion I don’t think it was a wise decision. The reason is that before US drop the atomic bomb, they don’t really know how powerful the atomic bomb is and what damage will it cause. However, I don’t think the atomic bomb is necessary, firs, there were already more than 60 cities in Japan were destroyed, and Japan were ready to call it quits. America don’t have to drop the bomb to force Japan to surrender. Besides, if the bomb in Hiroshima is necessary, when US decided to bomb Nagasaki, they didn’t gave Japan enough time to went over its devastation. Also the bomb spend 2 billion on its development, it makes me felt like US through the bomb because they don’t want to waste the money. Second, the two city they dropped the bomb in were of limited military value. Civilians outnumbered troops in Hiroshima five or six to one. There weren’t lots of solders, the people who lived there are ordinary citizens, but the bomb killed 200,000 of them.
These are my reason why I don’t think the atomic bombs were a wise decision, it not only cause the damage in the city and killed people, but also pollute the environmental. The benefit they can got is less than the disadvantages they gave, it didn’t worth it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok! You defended your argument!
Mr. Laffin